openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: "Faucet for swisstronik_1291-1" description: |- Faucet API doc and explorer. Send coins from the faucet account configured in `config.yml` to the receiver account. version: 1.0.0 externalDocs: description: Find out more about Swisstronik url: servers: - url: / paths: /: post: summary: Send tokens to receiver account requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: required: - address type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address to send coins required: true responses: "200": description: |- All coins are successfully sent content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SendResponse' "400": description: Bad request content: {} "500": description: Internal error content: {} /send: post: summary: Send tokens to receiver account without captcha required requestBody: description: Send coins request object content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SendRequest' required: true responses: "200": description: |- All coins are successfully sent content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SendResponse' "400": description: Bad request content: {} "500": description: Internal error content: {} security: - api_key: [] x-codegen-request-body-name: body /twitter/check: post: summary: Checks if the user made a proper tweet message about the swisttronik requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckTwitterRequest' required: true responses: "200": description: Status of the tweet content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckTwitterResponse' "400": description: Bad request content: {} "500": description: Internal error content: {} x-codegen-request-body-name: body components: schemas: SendRequest: required: - address type: object properties: address: type: string default: swtr1zmtzdkdhhfw8g6k7krgjzm6hy3wvqp7ht4p0h0 SendResponse: type: object properties: error: type: string CheckTwitterRequest: required: - address - url type: object properties: address: type: string default: swtr1zmtzdkdhhfw8g6k7krgjzm6hy3wvqp7ht4p0h0 url: type: string default: CheckTwitterResponse: required: - response type: object properties: url: type: string default: response: type: string enum: - ok - not_found - invalid_content - already_processed - recoverable_error securitySchemes: api_key: type: apiKey name: X-Api-Key in: header x-original-swagger-version: "2.0"